Picture this. Your daughter is trying to find a job, you put applications in everywhere, go in and check up on them, you do everything right and don't get the job. Then you find out the job went to a guy with the exact same application as your daughter just a different name. You'd be furious right? Well there's plenty of real life situations similar to that one.
Woman's Budget Group is a feminist group that has been trying to change Britain's economic policies for some time now. Why? Well in a study that House of Commons Library conducted, since many woman make significantly less then men, in order to survive they place themselves on food stamps. Diane Elson, the chair woman of this feminist group, does not believe that this inequality is on purpose but that it does overlook the how woman are affected. Recently, Britain started cutting funds out of their welfare programs, 85% of those programs being woman. Diane also says, "government budgets are supposed to be 'gender-neutral' in fact they are gender ignorant." Elson is also the creator of "gender budgeting" that makes governments look at the difference of income between men and women. It provides help for woman and abolish unequal policies. Britain has declined this policy. However, Sweden and South Korea have proudly taken it up.
Elson also believes of you follow her plan 1.5 million jobs will develop. Spending money on this plan will not take away from any other, such as child care, military, etc. It is expected to increase productivity.
Poorer countries, on the other hand, have a more equal workforce. Take Uganda for example, woman take majority in the farming industry. This entire thing makes me sound like such a feminist and blah blah blah, oh well. Janet Stotsky, a big influence in the world, argues that this is good budgeting, and more should look into this.
Now I know this makes me sound crazy and I'm like GO WOMAN! and whatever and honestly I am. Taking this on a personal level, I grew up seeing gender inequality. My mom is a mechanic. I bet you can't name another one of those. I've seen my mom get mocked, treated like she's stupid and doesn't know what she's doing, some even refuse her help because she's a girl. She will get calls on the phone getting called Joey when her name is Joy. I've witnessed my mom try to help people, some have kids that go to school here, and they will look at my mom like she's stupid. When she offers our shop and tools to help some say no. Gender inequality is definitely still around. If everything I've read about the Woman's Budget Group is true, I don't understand how it could go wrong.
I'm sicker than a dog currently so enjoy this rant and I'm going to enjoy some Dayquil and a nap.
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