Saturday, March 11, 2017

Free money?

Welfare. The word brings shivers down some spines. Developed in the 1930s, during the Great Depression, welfare was financial support given to people in their time of need. However, some believe that people abuse the system. There's been an ongoing debate on whether or not welfare should still be around, or changed in some way. The pros and cons of welfare are just about endless. Will we ever find a solution?

Obviously welfare, as stated earlier, is to give financial aid to those who need it. Those who just lost their job or maybe got laid off or whatever the situation, they can temporarily get help until they can get back on their feet. Along with welfare, some may also be on medicaid, to where everyone who is qualified to get the health care they need. If used as a stepping stool, it can significantly benefit some people's life for the time being. Without welfare we would not have the public school system. Public schools allows low income families to get the education they need. Low income families can even get a fee waiver to get free lunch at school. In some houses lunch at school is the only time they eat. 

While supposed to be used as a stepping stool, welfare is definitely a system that gets overworked and overused. Think about it, you get food stamps and financial aid right from your couch, what could be better? It causes people to be more dependent on the government. The state of California by itself spends $45.9 BILLION, just on welfare. That's a lot of people needing some "temporary" help. Many people even lie on their applications so that they could qualify. In all honesty welfare doesn't change the overall homeless rates. Many people are still homeless, unable to qualify for welfare.

However, helping one person can make the world for that one person. I do believe that was the purpose of welfare. A great solution for the welfare controversy would be a time limit. No joke, I have met people who have been on unemployment/welfare for 3+ years. That's not really a stepping stool now is it? I would say allow someone to be on the system for a year to a year and a half. Any longer they have to figure it out. It does not take a year to find a job. As for the public education system goes, I am all for public education. Some people really cannot afford the high tuition of private schools. Yes I have met people that can only eat at school. Some people literally live off of school.  

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