Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Asking for Divorce?

Recently in the class room we had a pretty heated debate about marrying young. It seemed that everyone had their own opinion about the topic. Some say marrying young has many benefits and it's what God called us to do while others were saying you have a life ahead of you and much more to worry about. Well, to be honest with you I don't have an opinion, after reading the article "Say Yes. What are you waiting For?" written by Mark Regnerus, I still have more questions than answers. The article gave three reasons why you should marry young: it doesn't lead to divorce, women become less attractive and it's easier if you're younger, education doesn't really matter. 

I, as much as everyone else, have met divorced couples, widows, couples, and many more. Some married young and have divorced while some married old and are still together. So I'm honestly quite baffled. For example, my parents married in their early 20's were married for a few years and got a divorce when I was a little over a year. My mother and my father both agree that my dad was extremely immature and both agreed they married to young. However, there's this couple at my church that have been married about 60 years, fell in love as teenagers and got married after 3 weeks of knowing each other. That sounds crazy that they're still together but it works. How my parents marriage didn't last and their's did? I have no idea. 

The article also talked about how it's harder to find a mate the older a woman gets (sorry for the language) but that's bullshit. There's another couple at my church, their names are Johnny and Shirley, that are well over 70 years old and they got married a few years ago, he thought she was beautiful and I'd have to agree. The age of a woman does not matter, if a girl is beautiful she's beautiful. No matter the age she can find a mate. Woman are naturally more mature and that is a gift to men from God. I apologize for my inner feminist so moving on. 

The third point the article gave I can see but don't necessarily agree with. I do believe you should finish college before you get married. Not because "you have your whole life ahead of you" or anything like that but I think you should achieve your goals before settling down. Your partner should be beside you every step of the way yes however it'd make you feel more empowered knowing you achieved your goals. You did it! It's my dream to get a college degree, because if I do then I will be the first person in my family to do so. I don't want a marriage holding me back from that. But at the same time if I get married I have the possibility of being the first person to not get a divorce. 

I can't say I need to time to think or need time to get to know each other because I know a couple that knew each other for 3 weeks and got married but I also have my parents. How do I know when it's the right time? How do I know if it's the right one? Will it get in the way of me getting to places I want to be? 

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