Thursday, September 8, 2016

Murder Trials

Recently, I heard in my local news this story about a murder case from a while ago. This man raped a young boy and when he saw a cop, on patrol in the area, he shot the young boy. Very tragic scenario where the parents had given up hope of ever finding the killer. The police arrested and he went through a trial where he got a 20 year sentence. But why? You would think that if you kill someone you should get life in prison or the death penalty, it's what you would deserve. If you take someone's life your life should be taken as well, whether that be life in prison or, if the crime is that severe, the death penalty. You took away that persons right to live, speak, breath, therefore you should have some of your rights taken. Especially in this case, there was a boy who was around the age of 7. 7! This man took the boys life with the simple push of a trigger. Why couldn't we take most of his life? 20 years is no where near enough compared to what he took from that boy. That boy would have possibly had an amazing life. But because of this man his life got cut short. That boy could've had 60 years of life and we're only sentencing the killer to 20? He took the boys life so we should take his. Multiple people believe this.
There's plenty of misconceptions in not only this case but tons of others. The common belief is that if there is no "aggravating factors" (rape, arson, robbery, etc.) then they get 20-25 years. However, in this case and much others, it includes the "aggravating factors". So why was there such a short penalty?

The death penalty is determined by the illegal actions one committed that is punishable by death. Some of this actions include: terrorism, drug trafficking, attempting to kill a witness or legal enforcer, and much more. While deciding the prosecutors fate, one of two things could happen. Death Penalty or "life" in prison. If there is even one vote against death penalty than that person will get life. 

On average, 16,238 murders are committed each year. There is plenty of room for some leeway. If you look back on history you will see people getting hung, guillotined, and even burned at the stake if you killed, raped, or anything of that nature. Now I'm not saying if you murder someone you deserve to your head chopped off by a giant blade. 

What I'm saying is that you deserve what you did to that person. Inevitably, the ultimate judgment is up to God. In James 2:11-12 it says, "For he said, 'do not commit adultery,' also said, 'do not commit murder'. Now if you have not committed adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. So speak and so act to those who are to be judged by the law of liberty". 

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