Thursday, August 18, 2016

Donald Trump Presidency

Ian Tuttle wrote an article addressing his opinion on the Donald Trump campaign. I, on the other hand, do not agree with his claims. He, like many others, supports Hillary Clinton. The claims he uses are convincing to some but not to me, and here's why.     In this article one of the claims is, "those who site the Supreme Court as a compelling reason to vote for Trump are of the befuddling opinion that the same man who has demonstrated willful ignorance of the Constitution, who has promised to subvert the Constitution, and whose dealings with the judiciary demonstrate contempt for the Constitution, is the man who will save it." However earlier in the article it also states, "Hillary Clinton has made clear she wants to overturn Citizen's United...and she has waffled on the Courts Heller decision."  Isn't changing the constitution disrespecting it also?      Furthermore, the article address Trumps judges and lawyers the article says, "Donald Trump likes judges who like Donald Trump; he wanted a judge who would put his interest above the law." Similarly, Hillary and her husband Bill met with an FBI agent. Why? To clear her name from the Benghazi murders. 

A lot of people say Hillary did have any association with the men that died, however, they sent messages asking for help that went to Hillary's office and she never replied. How do we know she won't pull that if she's in office?      Likewise, the author discusses facts about Trump saying, "There simply is no reason to believe that the same Trump who has contradicted himself amnesty for illegal immigrants, abortion, NATO, and much else.." However, what the author refuses to understand is Hillary contradicts herself just as much, if not more, than Trump. According to, Hillary stated, "…hard working Americans across our country deserve a president with both the ideas and the know-how to create good jobs with rising incomes right here in our country." On the other hand, she despised job creation especially in small businesses. She even applauded Obama for his way of handling the economy. It's just that poverty increased and middle class incomes dropping in that time.  

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