Friday, October 28, 2016

Leadership Characteristic

Character is a big part of leadership. If your leader is comitting sexual immorality, stealing money, and lies about everything, then what kind of leader do you really have? Unfortunately, these characteristics describe our politicians. Bill Clinton and now Donald Trump have shown this. We all now the Bill Clinton sexual immorality in the White House with Monica Lewinsky. Donald Trump has now been published on the cover of Playboy magazine. Is that the character you'd want in a possible president of the United States? Along those same lines Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton alike have proven time and time again they cannot tell the truth. For example, Hillary in her first debate she constantly talked down about the Russians. Well if they're so terrible why exactly did she sell Uranium to them? Things like that make me question the mental state of not only our candidates but also the voters. People seem to have forgotten the times when politicians were true leaders and made a difference, not a bunch of lying scumbags trying to see how far they can push us until we snap. Take Moses for example. He would do anything to free his people. In this case we are the people that need to freed. Politics and rules has practically enslaved us. Moses had true character and leadership capabilities. He was passionate, payed attention, listened to what others had to say, and trusted in God. Just look back at the debates for a second. Trump was to busy arguing and disagreeing  and not actually paying attention to the question. Character should be a huge part of political leaders. Take for example Herbert Hoover, Ronald Raegan, Abraham Lincoln, even John F. Kennedy! They had true character and true leadership skills. Some went against the odds and got killed for it but they lead a bunch of people to the right thing. Why? THEY HAVE GOOD CHARACTER. Let's take Abraham Lincoln for example. He went against all odds to free slaves and stop racism. He had few followers but still got his point across enough and made action! If slavery was still around now Trump would be saying we need to keep them and Hillary would say we need to free them and then proceed to do absolutely nothing. Along with character we need to take action. A politician should have good moral conduct, nice character, a need to succeed, and a wish for the people. But we what do we have? The complete opposite. Hillary is such a people pleaser she'll do what they want but with no thought of succeeding while Trump has the temper of a 5 year old after he didn't get his way. The point of this was not to burn the candidates (though it was very fun). My point is that politicians, businessmen, and everyone else alike should work on their character. If you aspire to be a leader, or even are a leader, you need to focus on your moral character. If you constantly lie and act like a brat your leading that person in the wrong direction. Which is exactly where America is going. James Madison and George Washington stormed into a meeting and LEAD the group and explained their theory. Then with George Washingtons title and CHARACTER and James Madison's brains and CHARACTER the proceeded to debate and eventually went through with the plan. George Washington himself said, "I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the enviable of titles, the character of an honest man". That is the mindset we need in this country. Someone that can lead us to victory and still be humble. Someone with the correct moral conduct and character. So my point is that you need character to lead someone in the right direction. Without the proper morals our country will keep plummeting.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Freedom of Speech on Campuses

Freedom of speech in colleges has been a huge controversy over this passed decade. Colleges and professors have tried to limit the debates occurring on campus saying, “troubling incidents of speech curtailed” and try to reach a common ground. However, is a common ground even reachable in this debate? Well let's see, it's either free speech or controlled speech. How can you come to "middle ground"? You can say yes to one side or the other. Studies have shown that college students themselves want to put limitations on free speech so no one can get offended. Personally, freedom of speech should be allowed on campus. People have that right and should use that right. If people get offended, they can fight for what they believe in. They can even do research to back up their stance and form a debate out of it. Yes it may hurt their feelings but it can cause them to think. 
College campuses are even going as far as to insert "safe places" onto their campuses where students can go and sit down and relax so they can get away from whatever was offending them. I love puppies and everything but that has gone to far. One of the amazing qualities of freedom of speech is that when something offends you, you have the right to stand for what you believe in. Instead of going and hiding you can fight back. College is supposed to be a place where you get education, expand your mind, and become who you want to be. Shouldn't college teach us to use our rights and teach us how to properly win a debate? When in life would it be a good thing to run and hide in one of these "safe places"? Say your working, you think you're doing an amazing job then suddenly your boss comes in and terminates you. Are you going to run and cry in your "safe place" or are you going to fight for yourself?  

Adding "safe places" and limiting our speech won't stop someone from getting offended. Everyone at some point in their life has been offended. It's how you use it that matters. You could probably allow humans to speak a limited number of words a day and people will still get offended. Especially today, you look at someone the wrong way, wave to someone the wrong way, you could probably sneeze the wrong way and someone will get offended! So let's work on that before we limit our rights. There's no reason why people should be so easily offended and that should be taught at colleges.
The college I'm most interested in is University of Louisville. I looked them up on "The FIRE" website ( in which they concluded that Louisville is a "Yellow College" meaning they protect expression but have rules against "verbal abuse". They limit threats and harassment and promptly doesn't have a "safe place".